The start of the journey.
Hello and welcome to my blog. I know this blog may not look like much now but in due time I hope to watch it bloom along with my knowledge and skills in the world of automotive engineering. This blog was created as a school project but I will continue to use it as a tool that I can use to look back at the progress I've made. i will warn you that at the moment i started this blog all I know how to do is an oil change and how to change a tire, I'm mostly just really passionate about cars so if you're a beginner like me you have nothing to fear. this wasn't made for the people already know how to mod and tune their own cars, its made for me and you. You will be following me on my journey to becoming an automotive engineer and maybe even after that, here I plan to post mostly things about new vehicles that could potentially change the automotive industry. If you're interested in things like new electric or gas vehicles, alternative fuels, new car designs or pretty much anything cooking up the the world of car enthusiast. Though my focus is going to be mostly based of electric or eco friendly cars I won't shy away from trucks, motorcycles and maybe even military vehicles. I would also like to post information on affordable but reliable cars for the everyday student and car mods to improve your cars performance or like every other car lover I’ll look for fun gadgets and equipment that will help you either maintain your car in tip top condition or just make the ride a little bit more fun. I hope you enjoy this blog and I’d appreciate any suggestions on what you would like to see in the near future, I won’t stray too far from what my original goal is for this blog but entertaining my fellow car enthusiast is not a problem. I thank you for coming here and hope mine and maybe your journey is a fun one.
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